
Solarium, also known as a tanning bed or sunbed, is a device that uses ultraviolet (UV) radiation to induce a tan. The technology behind solariums is similar to that of the sun’s rays, but the intensity and duration of the UV radiation can be controlled to ensure that the user gets a specific type of tan. However, despite the popularity of solariums among people looking to get a quick tan, they pose several health risks.

In this article, we will explore solariums in detail, including how they work, the types of solariums available, their health risks, and the alternatives available for those who want to get a tan without using a solarium.

How do solariums work?

Solariums emit UV radiation, which penetrates the skin and activates the melanin in the cells, causing the skin to darken. The intensity of the UV radiation emitted by the solariums is measured in watts, with higher wattage solariums producing more intense UV radiation.

The UV radiation emitted by solariums can be classified into two categories: UVA and UVB radiation. UVA radiation penetrates the skin deeper than UVB radiation and is responsible for causing the skin to tan. On the other hand, UVB radiation is responsible for burning the skin and causing skin damage.

Types of solariums:

There are two main types of solariums: low-pressure and high-pressure. Low-pressure solariums emit mainly UVA radiation, while high-pressure solariums emit both UVA and UVB radiation.

Low-pressure solariums are less intense than high-pressure solariums and take longer to produce a tan. However, they are less harmful to the skin and are more commonly used in tanning salons.

High-pressure solariums are more intense than low-pressure solariums and can produce a tan in a shorter time. However, they emit more UV radiation and are more harmful to the skin.

Health risks associated with solariums:

Despite the popularity of solariums, they pose several health risks, including:

  1. Skin damage:

Exposure to UV radiation emitted by solariums can cause skin damage, including premature aging, wrinkles, and age spots. It can also cause skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

  1. Eye damage:

Exposure to UV radiation can also cause damage to the eyes, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and corneal burns.

  1. Immune system suppression:

Exposure to UV radiation can suppress the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infections and diseases.

  1. Vitamin D deficiency:

Although solariums can help the body produce vitamin D, excessive exposure to UV radiation can cause the body to break down vitamin D faster than it can produce it, leading to a deficiency.

Alternatives to solariums:

For those who want to get a tan without using a solarium, there are several alternatives available, including:

  1. Self-tanners:

Self-tanners are products that can be applied to the skin to give it a tan without exposure to UV radiation. They work by reacting with the amino acids in the skin, producing a brown color.

  1. Spray tans:

Spray tans are another alternative to solariums. They involve applying a tanning solution to the skin using a spray gun or mist. Spray tans do not involve exposure to UV radiation and are safe for the skin.

  1. Natural sunlight:

Natural sunlight is a safe and effective way to get a tan. However, it is important to limit exposure to the sun and wear sunscreen to protect the skin from UV radiation.


Solariums are popular among people looking to get a quick tan, but they pose several health risks

What are the benefits of Solarium?

Solariums, also known as tanning beds or sunbeds, have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to provide a sun-kissed glow all year round. However, the benefits of solariums extend far beyond just a tan. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of solariums, both physical and mental, and how they can improve your overall health and wellbeing.

  1. Improved Vitamin D Levels

One of the most significant benefits of solariums is their ability to boost your body’s vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, a healthy immune system, and overall wellbeing. Exposure to UVB rays in solariums stimulates the production of vitamin D in the body, which can be especially beneficial for those living in areas with little sunlight or during the winter months.

  1. Reduced Risk of Skin Cancer

While exposure to the sun’s UV rays can increase the risk of skin cancer, controlled exposure in solariums can actually help reduce that risk. The UV radiation in solariums is carefully controlled to ensure that it does not cause damage to the skin or increase the risk of skin cancer. Additionally, solariums can be a safer alternative to natural sun exposure for those with fair skin or a family history of skin cancer.

  1. Improved Skin Conditions

Solariums have been shown to improve various skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis. The UV radiation in solariums can help reduce inflammation, promote healing, and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Additionally, regular use of solariums can help prevent premature aging and wrinkles, giving your skin a youthful and radiant glow.

  1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

The warm and relaxing environment of a solarium can be an excellent way to reduce stress and anxiety. The gentle hum of the tanning bed and the soothing warmth can help calm the mind and promote relaxation. Additionally, exposure to UV rays has been shown to stimulate the production of endorphins, which are the body’s natural mood-boosting chemicals.

  1. Boosted Energy and Mood

Regular use of solariums can help improve your energy levels and overall mood. The exposure to UV rays can help regulate your body’s circadian rhythm, which is responsible for regulating sleep patterns, mood, and energy levels. Additionally, exposure to UV rays has been shown to stimulate the production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood and energy levels.

  1. Improved Sleep

Exposure to UV rays in solariums can help regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to improved sleep quality. Additionally, the relaxation and stress-reducing benefits of solariums can also promote better sleep.

  1. Increased Physical Fitness

The exposure to UV rays in solariums has been shown to help improve physical fitness by increasing endurance and improving muscle strength. Additionally, the increased energy levels and improved mood from solarium use can help motivate you to engage in physical activity.

  1. Improved Immune System

The production of vitamin D from exposure to UV rays in solariums can also help boost your immune system. Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system and can help protect against various illnesses and diseases.

In conclusion, solariums offer numerous physical and mental health benefits beyond just a tan. From improved vitamin D levels and skin conditions to reduced stress and anxiety and improved sleep quality, solariums can be an excellent way to improve your overall health and wellbeing. However, it is essential to use solariums safely and in moderation to avoid any potential health risks. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best frequency and duration of solarium use for your individual needs.

How is the Solarium procedure done?

Solariums, also known as tanning beds, are a popular way to achieve a sun-kissed glow without spending hours in the sun. However, many people are curious about the process involved in using a solarium. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the solarium procedure, including how it works, its benefits and risks, and what to expect during a session.

What is a Solarium?

A solarium is a device that emits ultraviolet radiation (UV) to darken the skin. It consists of a bed or booth that houses UV lamps. These lamps emit UV rays, which stimulate the production of melanin in the skin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for the color of our skin, hair, and eyes.

How does the Solarium Procedure Work?

The solarium procedure involves lying in a bed or standing in a booth while UV lamps emit UV radiation. The radiation penetrates the skin, causing it to produce more melanin. This melanin darkens the skin, giving it a sun-kissed appearance.

There are two types of UV rays that solariums emit: UVA and UVB. UVA rays penetrate the skin deeply, while UVB rays only penetrate the top layer of the skin. UVA rays are responsible for the long-lasting tan that develops after using a solarium. UVB rays, on the other hand, can cause sunburn and skin damage.

Benefits of Solarium Procedure

The solarium procedure has several benefits, including:

  1. Convenient: Solariums are available in most gyms and tanning salons, making them easy to access.

  2. Time-Saving: Unlike spending hours in the sun, a solarium session only takes a few minutes.

  3. Customizable: Solariums allow you to customize the intensity and duration of the UV rays, ensuring that you get the desired result.

  4. Mood Enhancing: Exposure to UV rays can increase the production of serotonin in the brain, which can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression.

Risks of Solarium Procedure

Despite its benefits, the solarium procedure also comes with several risks, including:

  1. Skin Damage: Exposure to UV rays can cause skin damage, including premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer.

  2. Eye Damage: UV rays can cause damage to the eyes, including cataracts and vision loss.

  3. Burns: Overexposure to UV rays can cause sunburn, which can be painful and uncomfortable.

  4. Allergic Reactions: Some people may have an allergic reaction to the UV rays, which can cause itching, rash, and hives.

What to Expect During a Solarium Session?

Before your solarium session, you should prepare your skin by exfoliating and moisturizing. This will ensure that the UV rays penetrate the skin evenly and minimize the risk of burns.

During your session, you will need to wear protective eyewear to prevent damage to your eyes. You can also apply a tanning lotion to enhance the results of the solarium procedure.

After your session, you should avoid showering or bathing for at least four hours to allow the tan to develop fully. You should also moisturize your skin regularly to keep it hydrated and healthy.


The solarium procedure can be an effective way to achieve a sun-kissed glow without spending hours in the sun. However, it also comes with several risks, including skin damage and eye damage. If you decide to use a solarium, make sure to take the necessary precautions and follow the recommended guidelines to minimize the risks. Always remember that excessive use of solariums can cause significant damage to your health, so it’s essential to use them in moderation.

What are the risks and side effects of Solarium?

Using solariums exposes you to artificial UV radiation, which can have several risks associated with it. Here are some of the risks of solariums:

Skin Cancer

Exposure to UV radiation is a significant risk factor for skin cancer. Solariums emit UVA and UVB radiation, which can damage the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. The risk of skin cancer increases with the frequency and duration of solarium use.

Premature Aging

UV radiation can cause premature aging of the skin, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Prolonged exposure to solariums can cause skin damage, making the skin look leathery and aged.

Eye Damage

UV radiation can also cause eye damage, including cataracts and photokeratitis. Prolonged exposure to UV radiation can lead to vision loss and blindness.


Exposure to UV radiation can suppress the immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight infections and diseases. This can increase the risk of developing viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.

Side Effects of Solarium

Apart from the risks, solariums can also cause several side effects. Here are some of the side effects of solarium use:


Exposure to UV radiation can cause sunburn, a painful condition where the skin becomes red and inflamed. Sunburn can also cause blisters, peeling, and itching.

Allergic Reactions

Some people may develop an allergic reaction to UV radiation, resulting in hives, rashes, and itching. The allergic reaction can be severe, and the affected person may require medical attention.

Dry Skin

Prolonged exposure to UV radiation can cause the skin to become dry and dehydrated. This can result in flaky, itchy, and irritated skin.


Some people may experience headaches and dizziness after using a solarium. This can be due to the exposure to UV radiation or the heat generated by the solarium.

How to Protect Yourself

To reduce the risks and side effects of solarium use, you can take the following measures:

Limit Your Exposure

Limit the frequency and duration of solarium use. The World Health Organization recommends avoiding the use of solariums altogether, especially for people under the age of 18.

Protect Your Skin

Wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts and hats, to reduce the amount of skin exposed to UV radiation. Use sunscreen with a high SPF rating to protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

Protect Your Eyes

Wear protective eyewear, such as goggles or sunglasses, to protect your eyes from UV radiation.

Solariums can have several risks and side effects, including skin cancer, premature aging, eye damage, and immunosuppression. To protect yourself, limit your exposure, wear protective clothing and eyewear, and use sunscreen. It is best to avoid using solariums altogether, especially for people under

As more people are seeking ways to achieve a glowing tan without exposure to harmful UV rays, the Solarium procedure has become increasingly popular. This innovative tanning method uses a unique blend of technology and science to create a natural-looking tan without the risks associated with traditional tanning methods.

If you are considering the Solarium procedure, you may be wondering how long it takes to complete. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of the Solarium procedure, including what it is, how it works, and how long it takes.

What is the Solarium Procedure?

The Solarium procedure is a safe and effective way to achieve a natural-looking tan without exposure to harmful UV rays. This innovative tanning method uses a specialized blend of technology and science to create a flawless, sun-kissed glow that lasts for several days.

Unlike traditional tanning methods, which rely on exposure to UV rays to darken the skin, the Solarium procedure uses a specialized misting system to apply a tanning solution to the skin. This solution contains a blend of natural ingredients, including DHA, which reacts with the amino acids in the skin to create a natural-looking tan.

The Solarium procedure is an excellent alternative to traditional tanning methods, as it does not require exposure to harmful UV rays. This makes it a safer option for those who want to achieve a natural-looking tan without putting their health at risk.

How Does the Solarium Procedure Work?

The Solarium procedure works by using a specialized misting system to apply a tanning solution to the skin. This solution contains a blend of natural ingredients, including DHA, which reacts with the amino acids in the skin to create a natural-looking tan.

Before the Solarium procedure, you will be asked to prepare your skin by exfoliating and moisturizing. This will help to ensure that the tanning solution is applied evenly and will last longer. Once your skin is prepared, you will be asked to stand in a specialized tanning booth, where the misting system will apply the tanning solution to your skin.

The tanning solution will dry quickly, and you will be able to dress and resume your normal activities immediately. Your new tan will continue to develop over the next several hours and will last for several days.

How Long Does the Solarium Procedure Take?

The Solarium procedure is a quick and easy way to achieve a natural-looking tan. The entire process takes only a few minutes, making it a convenient option for those who are short on time.

The actual time it takes to complete the Solarium procedure will vary depending on a variety of factors, including your skin type, the level of darkness you want to achieve, and the specific equipment used by your tanning provider.

In general, the Solarium procedure takes between 10-20 minutes to complete. This includes the time it takes to prepare your skin, apply the tanning solution, and allow it to dry.

However, it is important to note that the time it takes for your new tan to fully develop will vary. In most cases, it takes between 6-8 hours for your tan to reach its maximum darkness level. This means that if you want to achieve a darker tan, you may need to schedule your Solarium procedure several hours before your event or activity.

Solarium, also known as tanning beds or sunbeds, are devices that emit ultraviolet radiation to artificially tan the skin. While some people use solarium to achieve a desired tan, others use it to treat certain skin conditions such as psoriasis or acne. However, the exposure to ultraviolet radiation from solarium can have adverse effects on the skin, including sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to know the recovery process after solarium to minimize the risk of these side effects. In this article, we will discuss the recovery process after solarium, including the symptoms of overexposure, how to soothe the skin, and how to prevent future damage.

Symptoms of Overexposure

Overexposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause a range of symptoms, including sunburn, itching, peeling, redness, and dryness. These symptoms can vary depending on the individual’s skin type, the intensity of the radiation, and the duration of exposure. In some cases, overexposure can also cause nausea, dizziness, and dehydration.

If you experience any of these symptoms after solarium, it is important to take immediate action to soothe your skin and prevent further damage. Here are some tips on how to recover from overexposure:

  1. Cool Compress

Apply a cool compress or wet towel to the affected areas to reduce the heat and inflammation. Avoid using ice directly on the skin as it can cause further damage.

  1. Moisturize

Apply a moisturizer to soothe dry and itchy skin. Choose a moisturizer that contains aloe vera, chamomile, or other natural ingredients that can help calm the skin.

  1. Drink Water

Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and flush out toxins from the body. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they can dehydrate the skin further.

  1. Take Painkillers

Take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or aspirin to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure

Avoid exposing your skin to the sun or solarium until it has fully healed. Wear protective clothing and use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when going outside.

How to Soothe the Skin

In addition to the above tips, there are other things you can do to soothe your skin after solarium:

  1. Take a Bath

Take a cool bath with oatmeal or baking soda to soothe the skin and reduce itching.

  1. Use Hydrocortisone Cream

Apply hydrocortisone cream to reduce inflammation and itching. However, avoid using it on the face or in large areas of the body as it can cause side effects.

  1. Use Calamine Lotion

Apply calamine lotion to the affected areas to reduce itching and dryness.

  1. Avoid Scratching

Avoid scratching the affected areas as it can cause further damage and delay the healing process.

  1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Eat a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants to promote skin healing. Include foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

Preventing Future Damage

To prevent future damage from solarium, it is important to take the following steps:

  1. Avoid Solarium

Avoid using solarium altogether as it can cause long-term damage to the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer.

  1. Use Sunscreen

Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when going outside, even on cloudy days. Reapply every two hours and after swimming or sweating.

  1. Wear Protective Clothing

Wear protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, and hats to minimize sun exposure.

  1. Stay in the Shade

Stay in the shade when the sun is at its strongest, usually

between 10am and 4pm. If possible, plan outdoor activities in the early morning or late afternoon.

  1. Check Your Skin Regularly

Check your skin regularly for any unusual moles, spots, or lesions. If you notice any changes, such as an increase in size or color, or if they become itchy or bleed, see a dermatologist immediately.

  1. Know Your Skin Type

Know your skin type and avoid overexposure to the sun or solarium. Fair-skinned individuals are more susceptible to sun damage and should take extra precautions to protect their skin.

  1. Be Mindful of Medications

Be mindful of medications that can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and certain acne medications. If you are taking any of these medications, avoid sun exposure or use extra protection.

How Does a Solarium Work?

When you expose your skin to UV radiation, your body produces melanin, a pigment that gives your skin its color. The amount of melanin your body produces depends on several factors, including your skin type, the intensity of the UV radiation, and the duration of your exposure. If you have fair skin, you are more likely to burn than someone with darker skin, so it is essential to use caution when using a solarium. The intensity of the UV radiation also plays a role in how quickly you will achieve a tan. Higher intensity radiation will produce results more quickly, but it also increases the risk of skin damage and cancer.

How Long Does a Solarium Session Last?

The duration of a solarium session varies depending on the machine you use, the intensity of the radiation, and the type of tan you are trying to achieve. Most solarium sessions last between 10 and 30 minutes, with higher intensity machines requiring shorter sessions. It is important to note that longer sessions do not necessarily mean better results, as overexposure to UV radiation can damage the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer.

How Often Should You Use a Solarium?

The frequency of your solarium visits depends on the type of tan you are trying to achieve and your skin type. If you have fair skin, it is best to limit your solarium sessions to once a week, as frequent exposure to UV radiation can increase your risk of skin cancer. If you have darker skin, you may be able to tolerate more frequent sessions, but it is still important to use caution and monitor your skin for signs of damage.

How Long Do Solarium Results Last?

The longevity of your solarium results depends on several factors, including your skin type, the intensity of the radiation, and the frequency of your solarium visits. If you have fair skin and use a low-intensity machine, your tan may only last a few days. If you have darker skin and use a higher intensity machine, your tan may last for several weeks. However, it is essential to remember that the results of a solarium session are not permanent and will fade over time. To maintain your tan, you will need to continue using the solarium or use self-tanning products.

How to Care for Your Skin After a Solarium Session?

After using a solarium, it is essential to care for your skin to prevent damage and prolong your tan. You should moisturize your skin regularly to keep it hydrated and prevent peeling. You should also avoid exposing your skin to sunlight for at least 24 hours after a solarium session, as this can increase the risk of sunburn and damage. Additionally, you should wear sunscreen daily to protect your skin from further damage.

Solariums are a popular way to bring sunlight and nature into your home or office space. These enclosed rooms, often made entirely of glass, are designed to provide a year-round sanctuary for those who want to experience the outdoors without leaving the comfort of their home or office. Solariums can be used for a variety of purposes, from relaxation and entertainment to gardening and exercise.

Over the years, solariums have undergone significant changes in design, style, and functionality. The latest solariums are more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and customized to suit the needs and preferences of their users. In this article, we will explore the evolution of solariums over time by showcasing some before-and-after photos of solariums.

Before-and-After Photos of Solariums:

  1. Basic Solarium Design: A basic solarium is a room with a glass roof and walls. The original design of a solarium was a simple greenhouse-like structure made entirely of glass. However, the latest solarium designs come with various customization options, including walls made of wood, vinyl, or other materials.

  2. Size and Shape: Solariums come in different sizes and shapes. They can be designed to fit any space, whether it’s a small balcony or a large terrace. The before-and-after photos of solariums reveal that the size and shape of these rooms have evolved over time, with more extensive and elaborate designs now available.

  3. Lighting: Lighting is an essential aspect of any solarium design. The original solariums relied solely on natural light to illuminate the space. However, the latest solariums come with a variety of lighting options, including LED lights and built-in dimming systems.

  4. Materials: Solariums can be made of various materials, including glass, wood, metal, and vinyl. The choice of materials used in solariums has changed significantly over the years. The original solariums were entirely made of glass, but the latest designs incorporate other materials to provide more flexibility in terms of aesthetics, insulation, and energy efficiency.

  5. Energy Efficiency: Solariums are designed to let in sunlight, which is a source of natural heat. However, the original solariums had limited insulation, which made them unsuitable for use during the winter months. The latest solariums, on the other hand, come with advanced insulation options, which make them more energy-efficient, comfortable, and usable all year round.

  6. Purpose: Solariums have evolved to become more than just a space to enjoy nature. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including dining, entertainment, relaxation, and exercise. The latest solariums come with customized features such as built-in speakers, temperature controls, and even exercise equipment.

As the demand for health and wellness services continues to rise, more people are looking for ways to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate their bodies. Solariums have become a popular option for people looking for a quick and easy way to get a healthy dose of vitamin D, without the risks associated with sunbathing.

In Istanbul, there are many solarium services available, but choosing the right one can be a daunting task. If you’re looking for a solarium service that offers quality services at an affordable price, then look no further than our Solarium service in Istanbul.

Here are some reasons why you should choose our Solarium service in Istanbul:

  1. State-of-the-Art Equipment

We pride ourselves on using the latest technology to deliver the best results for our clients. Our solarium equipment is top-of-the-line and is regularly serviced and maintained to ensure it’s always in top working condition.

  1. Professional Staff

Our staff is highly trained and experienced in providing solarium services. They are knowledgeable about the equipment and products we use, and they are always willing to answer any questions you may have. Our staff is also friendly and welcoming, and they will make you feel comfortable during your visit.

  1. Affordable Prices

We believe that everyone should have access to quality solarium services at an affordable price. That’s why we offer competitive rates for our services. We also offer various packages to suit your budget and needs.

  1. Clean and Hygienic Environment

We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for our clients. Our solarium rooms are regularly cleaned and sanitized to ensure they are free from germs and bacteria.

  1. Convenient Location

Our Solarium service in Istanbul is conveniently located, making it easy for you to access our services. We are open seven days a week, so you can schedule an appointment at a time that’s convenient for you.

  1. Positive Reviews

Don’t just take our word for it. Our satisfied clients have left positive reviews about our Solarium service in Istanbul, praising our quality services and friendly staff. You can read our reviews on our website or on social media platforms.

In conclusion, our Solarium service in Istanbul offers quality services, affordable prices, and a clean and hygienic environment. Our staff is professional and experienced, and our state-of-the-art equipment ensures you get the best results. With our convenient location and positive reviews, you can be sure that you’re making the right choice by choosing our Solarium service in Istanbul.

How to prepare for your Solarium appointment in Laleli?

The costs of solarium in Istanbul can vary depending on various factors such as the location of the solarium, the type of solarium, the duration of the session, and the package deals offered by the solarium. Typically, the cost of a single session in a solarium in Istanbul can range from 20 to 50 Turkish Liras.

However, it is important to note that many solariums in Istanbul offer package deals that can significantly reduce the cost per session. For instance, some solariums offer packages of 5, 10, or 20 sessions that can be used over a period of time. These package deals can cost anywhere from 100 to 500 Turkish Liras, depending on the number of sessions and the duration of the package.

Factors to Consider When Using Solariums:

When using a solarium, it is important to consider various factors such as the type of skin, the duration of the session, and the frequency of use. Some tips to consider when using a solarium are:

  1. Determine your skin type: It is important to know your skin type before using a solarium. People with fair skin are more susceptible to skin damage from UV radiation and should limit their exposure.

  2. Choose the right duration: The duration of the session should be determined by the skin type and the intensity of the UV radiation. Typically, a session should not last more than 20 minutes.

  3. Limit frequency: It is important to limit the frequency of solarium use to prevent skin damage. Experts recommend no more than two sessions per week.

  4. Use protective gear: It is important to use protective gear such as goggles and sunscreen to prevent eye damage and skin damage.


Solariums can be a convenient way to get a tan, especially during winter months when natural sunlight is scarce. However, it is important to use them in moderation and to take necessary precautions to prevent skin damage. The costs of solarium in Istanbul can vary depending on various factors, but package deals can significantly reduce the cost per session. Before using a solarium, it is important to consider various factors such as skin type, duration of the session, and frequency of use.

What are the costs of Solarium in Istanbul?

If you’re planning to visit a solarium in Laleli, you must be excited to achieve a beautiful, sun-kissed glow. However, before you jump in, it’s essential to prepare your skin and body for the appointment. Proper preparation will not only enhance your results but also reduce the risk of skin damage and other complications.

In this guide, we’ll take you through the essential steps to prepare for your solarium appointment in Laleli. From skincare to diet, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make the most of your session.

  1. Choose the Right Solarium

Before booking an appointment, do your research and choose a reputable solarium with trained professionals. Check for reviews online or ask for recommendations from friends or family. Ensure that the salon uses high-quality equipment and follows safety guidelines. A good solarium will also provide a consultation before your session to discuss your skin type and tanning goals.

  1. Exfoliate and Moisturize

A few days before your appointment, exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells and ensure an even tan. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or loofah and avoid harsh scrubs that can damage your skin. After exfoliating, moisturize your skin with a hydrating lotion to prevent dryness and flakiness. Avoid oil-based moisturizers that can create a barrier and inhibit tanning.

  1. Avoid Sun Exposure

Avoid sun exposure for at least a week before your appointment. This includes natural sunlight and tanning beds. Overexposure to UV rays can cause skin damage, sunburn, and premature aging. It’s best to wait until your solarium appointment to achieve your desired tan.

  1. Choose the Right Clothing

When going to a solarium, it’s essential to choose the right clothing. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes that won’t rub against your skin or create tan lines. Avoid wearing tight-fitting or dark-colored clothes that can absorb heat and cause discomfort during the session. Bring a change of clothes to wear after your appointment.

  1. Hydrate and Nourish Your Body

Drink plenty of water before and after your appointment to keep your body hydrated. Staying hydrated will also improve your skin’s elasticity and help prevent dryness. Eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to nourish your body and skin. Foods such as berries, leafy greens, and nuts are excellent choices for healthy skin.

  1. Prepare for Aftercare

After your solarium appointment, take care of your skin to prolong your tan and avoid damage. Avoid showering or sweating for at least 4-6 hours after the session. Moisturize your skin regularly to prevent dryness and flakiness. If you notice any redness or discomfort, apply aloe vera or a cooling lotion.

In conclusion, preparing for your solarium appointment in Laleli is crucial for achieving a beautiful, healthy tan. Follow these steps to ensure that your session is safe and effective. With the right preparation and aftercare, you’ll have a flawless, sun-kissed glow that lasts for weeks.

Frequently Asked Question Solarium

Solarium is a type of tanning bed that emits artificial ultraviolet (UV) radiation to produce a tan. It’s also known as a sunbed or tanning booth.

The main benefit of Solarium is that it can give you a tan without spending time under the natural sun. Some people also use it to treat certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis, as UV light can improve symptoms.

To use a Solarium, you lie down on a bed with UV lamps above and below you. You typically wear protective eyewear during the session, which can last from a few minutes to up to 20 minutes, depending on the intensity of the lamps.

The main risk of Solarium is overexposure to UV radiation, which can increase the risk of skin cancer, premature aging, and eye damage. Other potential side effects include burns, rashes, and nausea.

The duration of a Solarium session can vary depending on the intensity of the lamps and the desired level of tanning. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to 20 minutes.

There is usually no recovery process required after using a Solarium. However, you should avoid excessive sun exposure and use sunscreen to protect your skin.

The duration of the results of a Solarium session can vary depending on several factors, such as your skin type, the intensity of the lamps, and the frequency of sessions. Generally, the tan can last for a few days to a few weeks.

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We cannot answer this question as we are an AI language model and do not promote or endorse any specific services.

To prepare for your Solarium appointment in Laleli, you should avoid using any skin products that can affect the absorption of UV radiation, such as oil-based lotions or perfumes. You should also wear loose and comfortable clothing.

The cost of Solarium in Istanbul can vary depending on the service provider, location, and the duration of the session. It’s best to check with the service provider for specific pricing information.